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The eoapi-devseed repository (developmentseed/eoapi-devseed) hosts customized versions of each base service. The documentation below demonstrates how each service can be customized. The eoAPI services can work in parallel or in combination with each other.


Built on stac-fastapi.pgstac application, adding a TiTilerExtension and a simple Search Viewer.

The service includes:

  • Full stac-fastapi implementation - see docs if using the docker-compose configuration.
  • Simple STAC Search viewer - see viewer if using the docker-compose configuration.
  • Proxy to the tiler endpoint for STAC Items.

When the TITILER_ENDPOINT environment variable is set (pointing to the raster application), additional endpoints will be added to the stac-fastapi application (see: stac/

  • /collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId}/tilejson.json: Return the raster tilejson for an item
  • /collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId}/viewer: Redirect to the raster viewer

eoapi.stac OpenAPI documentation Metadata STAC search viewer

Code: /runtimes/eoapi/stac


The dynamic tiler deployed within eoapi-devseed is built on top of titiler-pgstac and pgstac. It enables large-scale mosaic based on the results of STAC search queries.

The service includes all the default endpoints from titiler-pgstac application and:

  • /: a custom landing page with links to the different endpoints

  • /mosaic/builder: a virtual mosaic builder UI, which helps create and register STAC Search queries

  • /collections: a secret (not in OpenAPI documentation) endpoint used in the mosaic-builder page

  • /collections/{collection_id}/items/{item_id}/viewer: a simple STAC Item viewer

eoapi.stac OpenAPI documentation Raster mosaic builder STAC Item viewer

Code: /runtimes/eoapi/raster


OGC Features and Tiles API built on top of tipg.

By default, the API will look for tables in the public schema of the database. We've also added three functions that connect to the pgSTAC schema:

  • pg_temp.pgstac_collections_view: Simple function which returns PgSTAC Collections
  • pg_temp.pgstac_hash: Return features for a specific searchId (hash)
  • pg_temp.pgstac_hash_count: Return the number of items per geometry for a specific searchId (hash)

eoapi.vector OpenAPI documentation eoapi.vector landing page

Code: /runtimes/eoapi/vector


STAC browser

The custom browser configuration can be modified using the config located in /dockerfiles/browser_config.js. For more information about available configurations, see the Radiant Earth repository.